
Lisa is the production designer/producer of BoJack Horseman, an original animated series for Netflix. Her first book with Drawn & Quarterly, My Dirty Dumb Eyes, was published in 2013. She grew up in Palo Alto, California, and graduated from UCLA in 2006. She writes and illustrates a regular column for Lucky Peach magazine. She co-hosts a podcast called Baby Geniuses with comedian Emily Heller, on the Maximum Fun network. She lives in Los Angeles.  

Lisa has worked on illustrations, book covers, animations, comics, murals, patterns, apparel, and exhibits her artwork in galleries. She is represented by UTA and Defiore & Company.

Clients and Publications include: Audi, Netflix, Henrik Vibskov, Lucky Peach, Penguin Books, The NY Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Saveur, Vanity Fair, Glamour, The Tornante Company, Chronicle Books, Hazlitt, Poketo, Vice Magazine, McSweeneys, Motion Theory, Teefury



Defiore and Company

Meredith Kaffel Simonoff - agent (literary)

United Talent Agency

Jason Richman - agent (TV)

Lauren Meltzner - agent (TV)


2009 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Minicomic (Stay Away From Other People)

2010 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Comic (I Want You #1)

2011 Stumptown Award for Best Small Press (I Want You #2)

2013 Society of Illustrators silver medal in editorial illustration (Birch Tree Forest) and featured in American Illustration Annual 32

2014 James Beard Award for Humor in Journalism (“On the Trail with Wylie,” published in Lucky Peach magazine)

2016 Critics Choice Award